
• Telecommunications services
• Solutions (SMSC, provisioning and others)
• Creation of a virtual operator

Telecommunications services

Based on the developed systems and with the use of services provided by external partners (virtual telecommunications operators), we are able to provide dedicated and demanding (unique for the organization) telecommunications services, for example:

• Mobile communication services - enabling the creation of specific, dedicated and unique services within the organization (dedicated device configuration, unique and inaccessible mobile services, eg disabling SMS, voice and data services, limiting the list of recipients, etc.);

• Mass voice communication or sms service - sms gateway for communication with clients or for multi-level authentication, voice gateway, eg for the purpose of automating the customer service process;

Delivery of dedicated solutions

Based on the developed systems and with the use of services provided by external partners (virtual telecommunications operators), we are able to provide telecommunications services:

Call center systems - we are able to build an integrated call center system, dimension, equip and configure for specific purposes of the organization (including shared centers created for different purposes within one or more organizations)

Internal teleconference systems - we build internal teleconference systems that allow you to manage and store data and information inside the organization, without the need to use external servers

Dedicated systems and solutions - we have experience in building and delivering solutions for building internal competences, including :

Short Message Service Center - a solution for the management of short SMS messages, including their storage, sending, receiving and managing the life cycle of sms, solutions scaled to the size of over 300 sms / s, the possibility of SMPP, API integration, specific industry standards, e.g. CIM

Provisioning system - a system for the management of SIM cards in an organization, configuration of new and existing services, service blocking, organization costs management, auditing and communication security activities.

Creation of a virtual operator

On the basis of the created systems and through the knowledge of the processes and requirements for telecommunications operators, we are able to build the competences of a virtual operator within the organization for the purposes of:

• Internal for the management and telemetry of networks of electronic devices (management and reading from meters, sensors, gates and switches in industry, energy, mineral transmission and others);

• Internally, for the purpose of safe communication with the employees of the Organization (the virtual operator manages all communication issues);
• External for the provision of services (eg an additional service to the existing services of the Organization, eg telephone for electricity or gas contracts, VOD services and others);

Reasons for building virtual operator competences for the organization:

• Economical: creating an independent, cost-effective operator allows you to manage (and change over time) costs, renegotiate the contract with the physical operator, or change it;

• Independence: with the use of own SIM cards, the virtual operator can create any number of cards used, add and change services, plan the costs of individual services;

• Security: allows you to gain supervision and control over the virtual network and its elements, as well as control over the content sent via the virtual network;

• Image: you gain independence and a specific status of the organization with your own network (the network may have its own name displayed on devices);

• Strategic: depending on the needs, you can decide on the direction of development, moreover, at a certain size, you can negotiate conditions with operators providing the physical network;